Friday 21 February 2014

TV Industry - Big Bang Theory - Text 6.5

'The Big Bang Theory' is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, who make up two of the executive producers for the show along with Steven Mularo. 
The show focuses solely on a group of nerd scientists with four main characters, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj and Howard. 
They are scientists at a local university, and they also enjoy participating in activities that can be classed as nerdy or geeky. They collect comic books and superhero figurines, participate in online gaming, are intense Star Trek fans, etc. They are all extremely intelligent and have problems communicating when it comes to women. Raj cannot speak to women at all and Sheldon isn't interested in relationships with women as his sole focus is on his work.

Task 1:
Research TBBT with consideration given to

  • Genre conventions and iconography
  • Narrative structure
  • Representation of gender

These are questions you need to consider for each of the shows we are studying: 

  • How is the genre established?To what extent do the shows target/appeal to a range of different audiences?
  • Do the representations encourage identification with the audience? How?
  • What pleasures do the case studies offer audiences? (Uses and Gratifications)
  • In what ways do the shows contribute to the channel’s identity?

Relevant links:

The post modern state of the sitcom

The clip above shows Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, Raj and Penny visit the local comic book store. The way the nerds inside the store react is a classic example of the social anxiety nerds are typically known to show around the opposite sex; acting as if they have never seen a female before. 

The articulate manner in which Sheldon speaks is also typically associated with a nerd, and is similar to that of how nerds are portrayed to speak in British television. (The Inbetweeners, The IT Crowd). The way in which Penny reacts to Sheldon's knowledge of 'the multiverse' that exists inside these comic books is one of bewilderment, and it shows that the comic book 'world' is foreign to her.

This programme provides classic examples of the portrayal of American nerds, which is different to how nerds are portrayed in British television. Unlike Will Mackenzie from 'The Inbetweeners', the nerds in 'The Big Bang Theory' don't wear formal clothing, but instead wear shirts with a superhero print. 

In the clip above, Howard is seen to be excited when looking at a "new Batman belt buckle", which shows the obsession they have with superheroes. The four nerds can also speak the fictional language of Klingon, which is the language spoken in the Star Trek universe. 

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