Friday 21 February 2014

Music Industry - Text - Miley Cyrus 22.4

  • Artist: Miley Cyrus 
  • Track Name: Wrecking Ball 
  • Genre of song: Pop (Ballad/soft rock) 
  • Director: Terry Richardson 
  • Format: Studio based performance
  • 1. INTENTIONS Changing Miley Cyrusʼs “Star Persona” and get out of the Disney stereotype. Previous persona “Hannah Montana”; Innocent and clean cut. Child friendly and comedic. Designed to appeal to young teenagers (12-ish) 
  • New Persona: Risque and promiscuous, raunchy and objectified. Explicit. Confident and edgier. Shows that she is now older and grown up. Sheʼs trying to grow with her fans. To promote the single, and Miley Cyrusʼs new image as an artist. Also as a revenue stream, money is generated from views on youtube. 
  • Confident: not at all shy to be represented so explicitly and be highly sexualized (licking the sledgehammer). Riding a wrecking ball shows her as powerful. Shown as a emotionally hurt and sad person, but still tough, she picks herself up and breaks things to relieve her stress and pain. 
  • Angry; A lot of violent imagery, literal destruction and angry facial expression. Fails to lip synch near the end, so busy crying. Wants to look personal and honest. Attempting to take control of her own image and make herself a strong woman using her sexuality. The iconography is usually associated with porn, something that exploits women. 
  • Slow and soft opening builds to a crescendo - Music swells for the chorus. Instrumentation: Guitar, studio produced with a digital quality; keyboards and bass. Walls falling down and Miley hitting things are matched to the beats of the music. On the softer parts we see Miley crying against the white backdrop. Simple imagery for a simple song. 
  • Video is a literal interpretation of the metaphors used in the lyrics; “Wrecking Ball” “breaking down walls” etc. When the song says “wrecking ball” we see a wrecking ball. Consider Andrew Goodwin's theory. The song is about a broken heart and a broken relationship, and this is shown by the destruction of the wall. She naked because sheʼs striped to her raw emotions. Embracing pain - licking the sledgehammer. 
  • Licking of the hammer focuses on a sexually explicit intimate moment. High angle close up brings us closer. The explicit nature of the video, makes it obvious the viewer is watching something they shouldnʼt be. Being tantalized and played with, strip tease aspect. Weʼre watching Cyrusʼs raw emotion, distraught and crying.
  • References to Sinead OʼConnerʼs “nothing compared to you” video, in terms of framing, and OʼConnersʼs delivering the song straight to the camera with tears of emotion. TYPICAL OF GENRE Typical of pop that the subject is love. Different a bit because of how raw the emotions are. Itʼs amped up; usually scantily dressed girls, but here fully exposed. The imagery relates directly and quite simply to the lyrics. Performed directly to the audience. Itʼs well lit and an obvious studio space, not grungy or dirty or handheld. typical pop look. The abstract drama is similar to Lady Gagaʼs style of videos. 
  • Primarily the Miley Cyrus fans that have grown up over the course of her career and have become young adults. 
  • New audiences; tapping into the Lady Gaga fanbase because of the imagery and drama. 
  • Potential a new male audience due to explicit nature. Mainstream audience that connects with the emotions and themes of the song. (breaking up with your partner.) 
  • WHY WOULD THIS APPEAL TO TARGET AUDIENCE Older Miley Cyrus fans - Miley is different from how she was, fresh and new look. Sheʼs grown up and matured, talking about things they now connect with. Similar to the old Miley because the songs about emotion and love and staying strong, so it stays in a similar demographic. New audience - Edgier with Lady Gaga influences. The fact that sheʼs shed the persona of Hannah Montana can be considered creepy and encourages much discussion on social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook.
Laura Mulvey; Male Gaze theory applied to Wrecking Ball video:

Task 1: Watch the video 'Party in the USA' and write an essay considering the genre aspects of;

  • Signifiers
  • Conventions
  • Iconography

Write up on your own blogs for feedback.

Task 2: Write a short essay on the representation of the event

Miley Cyrus Twerking at The MTV VMA's

Issues of Gender representation. [Mulvey and the male gaze.]
Miley’s changing appearance.
The role of pop stars and their influence on young people

Jameela Jamil interview

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