Tuesday 10 June 2014

MS4 Introduction


A written examination of two and a half hours, assessing AO1 and AO2.

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts
and critical debates.

A02 Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and
processes, and when evaluating their own practical work, to show how
meanings and responses are created.

The paper will consist of two sections:
Section A will offer two questions based on media texts;
Section B will offer four questions based on industry and audience issues.

Candidates will be required to answer one question from Section A and two
questions from Section B, using a different media industry for each answer. Each
question will require them to make reference to the three main texts they have
studied for each media industry.


This unit contributes to synoptic assessment. It is designed to develop candidates'
understanding of the connections between different elements of the specification and
to develop their knowledge and understanding of the relationship between media
texts, their audiences and the industries which produce and distribute them.

Progression from AS is demonstrated through this emphasis on the relationship
between text, audience and industry and the debates surrounding the nature of that
relationship. Candidates' understanding of the media will also be more informed by
appropriate theoretical perspectives.



Centres will be required to select three different media industries from the list
below to study with their candidates.

  • Television - Satellite, public service, independent broadcasting. Research; remits, audience profiles and content for specific channels. 
  • Radio 
  • Film 
  • Music - An artist or band, not three tracks. The way they are represented and use different media texts; video, CD cover,Website.
  • Newspaper 
  • Magazine (including comics) 
  • Advertising - Campaigns
  • Computer Games 
For each industry, three main texts should provide the focus for candidates' study.
At least two of the chosen texts must be contemporary and one must be British. 
Centres are advised to select contrasting texts so that candidates acquire as wide an
understanding of the media industry as possible.

For each text selected, candidates should consider the following as appropriate:

  • genre 
  • narrative 
  • representation 

  • production 
  • distribution (and exhibition where relevant) 
  • marketing and promotion 
  • regulation issues 
  • global implications 
  • relevant historical background 

  • audience/user targeting 
  • audience/user positioning 
  • audience responses and user interaction 
  • debates about the relationship between audiences/users and text. 

Ms4 from ealeya

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