Tuesday 11 June 2013

Welcome to MS3

 Students are required to demonstrate: 
  • Individual and independent research skills 
  • The ability to use their research to inform a media product 
  • Technical and creative skills 
  • The ability to evaluate the product exploring the validity of the research undertaken 

Students will submit three pieces of linked work comprising: 
  • A research investigation focused on one or more of the following concepts: genre, narrative, representation. (1400 – 1800 words) 
  • A production which arises out of the research 
  • An evaluation which explains how the research has informed the production (500 – 750 words) 

 The Research Investigation
This piece of work will be done individually. Students will formulate their own research field of study that is focused on one or more of the concepts of genre, narrative or representation. The teacher should have an instrumental role in negotiating the title for their assignments, reminding students that there must be clear potential for the development of the investigation into a production piece

 The Production
Digital media such as web sites and print based productions must be undertaken individually; audio and audio-visual productions may be undertaken either individually or in small groups of no more than 4 students. Students working in groups must all have a clearly defined production role which allows them to demonstrate a significant and definable contribution to the production. 
The production should reflect what the student has learnt through their research and should demonstrate creative and technical skills. 
 Digital media productions should be 3 – 4 pages in length, with the majority of the images being generated by the student. 
 Audio and audio-visual productions should be 3 – 4 minutes in length. (Shorter ones, in the case of animation may be agreed in consultation with the Principal Moderator. 
 In the case of campaigns, students may combine audio-visual and print. Print-based material must be produced individually. The audio-visual product only may be produced individually or by a small group. 

Please note: Students must present their productions in a different media form than to used at MS2 


The main purpose of the evaluation is to explore how the research undertaken informed the production. 
This is marked against AO 2
Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and processes and evaluating their own practical work, to show how meanings and responses are created.


The production must be accompanied by an individual evaluation which
explores how the production has been informed by the research undertaken
into the relevant media concept.
The evaluation can be produced in any appropriate form such as:
 a discursive essay (with or without illustrations)
 a digital presentation with slide notes (such as a PowerPoint)

 a suitably edited blog.

Planning a discursive essay

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